Thursday 6 December 2012

1. Which, if any, is more important in your opinion and why: Cognitive Intelligence (IQ) or Emotional Intelligence (EI).

Binet and Simon argued that the essence of intelligence is “to judge well, to comprehend well and to reason well”. General intelligence is comprised of two parts cognitive intelligence and emotional and social intelligence. Cognitive intelligence is also known as intelligence quotient or IQ. This is a number arrived at using intelligence tests and is believed by many to indicate a person’s level of intelligence. It comprises the ability to reason, plan, solve problems, think abstractly, comprehend complex ideas and learn quickly from ideas. According to Mayer and Salovey (1997) "Emotional Intelligence involves the ability to perceive accurately, appraise and express emotion ;the ability to access and or generate feelings when they facilitate thought; the ability to understand emotion and emotional knowledge; and the ability to regulate emotions to promote emotional and intellectual growth"

Having considered the descriptions of both I think that Emotional Intelligence is more important because it essentially contributes more to a person’s happiness and fulfilment in life. While a high IQ may define how a person does in school and their career choice those with a lower IQ may still succeed in education and will find suitable careers. A high IQ does not necessarily produce a happy or well-rounded or a "nice" person. However by measuring Emotional Intelligence it is suggested that those with higher Emotional Intelligence interact well with people, are more content, well adapted psychologically and prove to have desirable parenting skills (Stys and Brown 2004). Lower Emotional Intelligence scores on the other hand are connected to deviant and violent behaviour and illegal use of drugs and alcohol. Cognitive Intelligence stays static throughout life while Emotional Intelligence can be influenced and aspects improved or changed. Those with high levels of Emotional Intelligence tend to make better leaders because they are more inspirational. They are also more likely to be confident and have a sense of social responsibility and enjoy happy relationships. Those with lower Emotional Intelligence must be encouraged and taught by society to overcome their difficulties to avoid moving to areas like violence and substance abuse. Emotional Intelligence is not just about an individual it’s about all he/she comes in contact with and society and therefore is more important than Cognitive Intelligence in my opinion.

Bass, Bernard M, Riggio, Ronald E; Murphy Susan E; Pirozzolo, Francis J 2002 Multiple intelligences and leadership, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.
Hayes, Nicky Foundations of Psychology 2006 Thomson Learning.

Cognitive Intelligence 1.0

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